Issue 24 - Tuesday 12th May 2020

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week is usually one of the highlights of the school year where our Year 6 can show off how fabulous they are and how much they have learnt by completing their SATS tests. Unfortunately they won't get the opportunity this year to complete the tests but please be assured that we are liaising with high schools so that they know how well the Year 6's would have done. We will be sending over teacher assessments to the high schools with predictions of levels and we have been incredibly accurate in the past so please ask your children not to worry.

Following Sunday night's announcement from the Prime Minister, school remains closed to all but a few children. The announcement that schools may open on the 1st of June for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children presents schools and families with many questions. At the moment, for us in school, there is no change to the current guidance. We will provide care for those whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response and only those who cannot be safely cared for at home and are vulnerable. The message remains that it is safer to stay at home.

On Monday evening the government published guidance for schools regarding the possible opening on June 1st. Over the next few weeks we will be planning and preparing for the potential reopening. We will update you when we know more information about the possible partial reopening of school.

Current DfE guidance for parents and carers about the potential reopening can be found here.

Stay safe and thanks for your continued support

Mr Kemp


Teachers have continued to set tasks appropriate and manageable for their classes. Completing these tasks will support your child with their learning and are linked to what your child would have been learning if they were in school. For children in Y1-Y6 work is posted on Showbie for pupils to complete. A real positive of the Showbie online learning platform is that children accessing the site have the opportunity to interact with their friends and teachers which is vital in this period of lockdown. If there is anything that your child is doing at home that's fun and interesting, please feel free to take a photo/video and share it on Showbie or Tapestry for everyone to see.

For those parents in Reception, please continue to share what you are doing on Tapestry and access the links on our home learning page.

If you have any issues or questions around homelearning please email


These have been a huge success and they will continue over the next few weeks for all classes. Please keep an eye out for an email invitation to join the conference. We plan to have one video conference every two weeks for each class. The video conference offers an opportunity for all to see friends, have a chat and see how everyone is getting on during the lock down.


Whilst school is closed, staff will be regularly calling all parents and carers to see how you are getting on and whether there is anything more we can do to support you or your child's learning. If recieving a call on your mobile, you may see a witheld number displayed. It is important that you answer these calls as we may have to follow up with a home visit for the small number of families that we have had no contact with in recent weeks.


For those families entitled to Free School Meals it seems that many have recieved and redeemed their vouchers this past week. If an email hasn't yet arrived please check your spam/junk email folder. The most recent vouchers that have been sent to parents include three weeks worth of monies. If you are entitled and haven't recieved the email, please contact and we will do our best to help.

If your personal circumstances have recently changed you may be entitled to Free School Meals. If you feel this is the case you can apply online at


Parkfield remains closed and we are continuing to use Little Heaton as our base for a small number of Parkfield pupils. Parkfield staff are on site between 8.45am and 3.15pm to support the children attending Little Heaton. If your circumstances change and you no longer need to use the provision at Little Heaton please let us know at and we can plan our staffing appropriately.


If you need to contact school, then please email . Please do not come to the school site as it's closed and please don't contact Little Heaton, as there is a skeleton staff working and their school office isn't staffed. If it is an emergency, you can contact the Parkfield school mobile number on 07923421340.

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