Issue 20 - Friday 2nd February 2024
Headteacher's Welcome
Dear Parkfield Families,
Can you believe that January is already over?! 2024 has been an action-packed year so far, filled with exciting trips and events. We even had a dinosaur visit our Reception class this week! These activities will continue over the next few months, and you can stay informed about what's planned by checking the calendar below or visiting our website.
Since our return in the new year, I've noticed an increase in the number of children arriving to school after their class lines have already entered the building. A gentle reminder that children should be lined up by 8:45 am so they can walk into school with their classmates and promptly begin their morning activities.
This week, Year 4 completed their swimming sessions after spending the past five months at Middleton Arena. The progress they've made and the resilience they've shown have impressed their swimming teachers immensely. Many of our Parkfielders who couldn't swim at the beginning of the program are now confidently navigating the water - well done Year 4.
Next week, members of our Technology team will be delivering special assemblies to all our Parkfielders about keeping safe online. This is part of the national Internet Safety Week campaign. Please ask your child what they have learnt and see if they can explain how they can keep safe whilst on the Internet.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, and thank you for your continued support.
Mr Kemp
Next Tuesday 6th February, Y2 families are welcome to join us in the hall at 9am for our Spring term family learning event. In the session you will have the opportunity to work alongside your child during a reading session that we hope gives you some ideas to better support with reading at home. We will also share some information about SATS. We look forward to seeing those that are able to attend.
A reminder that dogs are not allowed on the school site. This is for health and safety reasons and because many of our pupils are afraid and it causes great distress.
Congratulations to the girls footballers that competed earlier this week against other Middleton schools. Mrs Banks was very proud of the effort and resilience you all demonstrated.
We recieved an email earlier this week thanking us for raising a total of £1388.44 for Springhill Hospice. Over 23 schools took part in the reindeer run this year and they made over £30,000. Below is a list of things your donations are funding for the Hospice.
£198 a night sitter for one night
£146 a counselling session
£292 one hour of specialist inpatient care
£551 the H@H service for one day
£500 Patient food for one day
£210 One visit from our specialist community team
We are looking forward to another visit from their mascot Springy so we can present them with a special cheque.
For safety reasons, earrings worn in school should only be the small stud type.
The school council would like to raise some money by having an end of term disco on Wednesday 14th February. On that day all Parkfielders will be invited to come to school in non-uniform with those paying to join the disco able to stay between 3.15 and 4.15pm. Please keep an eye on your emails for more information.
Please also note that sometimes the clubs will not be on due to fixtures versus other Middleton schools. This will be updated each week here on the newsletter and also on the school calendar.
Tuesday 6/02 - Year 5/6 Football
Wednesday 7/02- Year 5/6 Multi sports (CANCELLED DUE TO STAFF TRAINING)
Thursday 8/02 - Year 3/4/5/6 Cross Country
If your child is interested in taking part in this year's contest, auditions are being held during dinner time on 12th, 13th and 14th February.
Please note that children should not be wearing apple watches or other gadgets which can take photographs or access the internet. They are not appropriate and are also likely to get lost or damaged.
A reminder that children must wear the correct PE kit on their PE days. If your child doesn't have a blue hoodie and white t-shirt, please send them into school in their normal uniform and they will be able to get changed before their PE lesson. Please could you also make sure your child's hair is tied up on PE days. Thank you.
In the news, there's a significant push on school attendance from the government, highlighting the crucial role regular attendance plays in a child's education. I wholeheartedly agree, as we've observed that students who miss school often find it challenging to catch up with their peers. Every lesson and every day truly matter.
Currently, our school's attendance stands at 93.9%, and I am optimistic about seeing this figure rise over the next few terms. Our target is 96%, and with your support, I am confident we can achieve it. The NHS has provided a helpful link for parents on what to do if your child is unwell, which you can find here.
Additionally, if your child experiences diarrhoea or vomiting, please contact the school office to discuss symptoms and determine the best course of action for their absence. Depending on the circumstances, your child may be able to return after 24 hours.
We have now over 160 parents signed up! Click this link to set up a parent account which we will then approve. This will provide you with the opportunity to see how many Dojo points your child has earnt and what for. Please note that we are only using the app for Dojo points, not messages or photos, therefore you do not need any of the subscription options you might be offered.
The vast majority of Parkfielders are logging in on a weekly basis to TTRS to help develop their quick recall of multiplication facts. More information about this great resource can be found here:
Latest Class Updates
Mr Kemp is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supported by Mrs Clawson and Mrs Smith (Deputy DSL). If you have any concerns about the needs or welfare of a pupil, please don't hesitate to contact the school. We all share a responsibility to our pupils safety and wellbeing.
As a school our promise is: We will listen, we will support and we will take action.
More information can be found on the school website here:
As you are all aware, school attendance and punctuality is one of Parkfields priorities and I have been thrilled with the support that parents have been giving with regards to improving their children’s attendance.
Our school target is 96% this year and we need your continued support to ensure that we meet this mark.
Please note that, in line with the school policy, fines will be issued to families that go on a term time holiday where children miss 5 consecutive full days. Currently the fine is £60 per child per parent which equates to a £240 fine for a two parent family with two children. If you are going on holiday due to exceptional circumstances, please speak to the headteacher as a fine may not have to be issued. More information an be found on our attendance policy found here.
Persistent Absence
Persistent absence is defined by the Government as attendance below 90%. This equates to 19 days or more of absence a year or 100+ lessons missed. If a child’s attendance drops below 90% this could lead to them becoming a safeguarding concern. This could also result in the authority taking legal action against parents, resulting in a fine or court appearance. Over the next few weeks I will be making contact by letter with the families of children whose attendance is below 90% to invite you into school for a discussion about how we can support you to improve your child’s attendance.
Thank you so much to all the families who have been working hard to ensure children’s attendance and punctuality is high. Establishing early good habits really will make a positive difference to their lives. The link between attendance and achievement cannot be over stated. Your child will achieve better if they are in school every day. Only in very exceptional circumstances should a child be absent from school. Please ring the school office no later than 8.30am to report an absence.
Please get your child to school on time. Poor punctuality can lead to your child…
Feeling embarrassed in front of their friends
Missing the beginning of vital lessons making them fall behind
Missing important instructions for the rest of the school day
At Parkfield children are to line up before school and doors open at 8.45am. They close at 8.50am.
If you arrive after 8.50am you will have to come through the school office.
If your child is attending Early Birds, please walk down the path and through the KS1 yard - it may take a few more seconds but it's much safer than walking through the busy car park. If the hall door is ever closed as we now get into the colder months, simply ring the bell for assistance.
Dogs are not permitted in the school playground.
If driving, park further away from the school and walk to reduce congestion and the possiblity of any serious accidents.
Unfortunately, Parents and Carers are not allowed to drop off and pick up from the school car park at any time.
Children are not allowed on the play equipment before and after school. Please keep them off.

At Parkfield we promote the 5 ways to Wellbeing which can help children and adults to achieve a more positive lifestyle.
#THRIVE offer a local service for children and young people aged up to 19 years who are experiencing health and wellbeing issues such as feeling stressed, worried or not enjoying things. #Thrive can also provide advice and support to parents, carers and anyone that works with a child or young person. You can find out more information about the service by clicking here: