Issue 25 - Friday 14th March 2025

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parkfield Families,

At Parkfield, we set ourselves an ambitious yet achievable attendance target of 96% for this academic year. While we’re not quite there yet, we’re making fantastic progress! Our current whole-school attendance stands at 95.4%, a significant improvement from last year’s overall figure of 93.6%. This upward trend is encouraging, and I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for your ongoing support in making this happen.

Attending school every day ensures that children don’t miss out on valuable learning opportunities. Every lesson builds on the previous one, so regular attendance helps children stay on track and reach their full potential. Simply put, every day in school gives your child a better chance of success!

We regularly remind our Parkfielders that to achieve 96% attendance, they can only have a maximum of seven days off over the entire school year. The great news is that 142 of our pupils are able to achieve this – well done!

Many of our families are making a real difference by sending their children into school when they’re feeling a little under the weather but are still well enough to manage the school day. With support from staff and friends, children are often able to get through the day successfully.

Additionally, our updated policy means that children only need to stay off school for 24 hours after being sick rather than 48 hours, helping to reduce unnecessary absences. If you're ever unsure about whether to send your child in, please don’t hesitate to call the school office – we’re happy to advise.

Once again, thank you for your continued support. Let’s keep up this fantastic momentum!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr. Kemp



FRIDAY 21ST MARCH 2025 - RED NOSE DAY Children can come to school in non-uniform or wearing something red in exchange of a small donation to this wonderful charity. This year, the event will focus on supporting those in need during the current living crisis, focusing on issues like lack of food and homelessness. 

TUESDAY 25TH MARCH - Y6 FAMILY LEARNING - 9AM - Join your child for a SPAG lesson

THURSDAY 27TH MARCH - Y4 CLASS ASSEMBLY - 9AM - Families are invited to join us in the school hall whilst the Y4 class showcase their learning from the past term.

FRIDAY 28th MARCH - FORFEIT DAY - Bring in an Easter Egg in exchange for non-uniform. The Eggs will be used in the Easter Bingo event.

FRIDAY 28TH MARCH - EASTER BINGO - 6 - 9PM - Tickets are now available for out annual Easter Bingo event which is being held on Friday 28th March between 6pm and 9pm in the school hall. Tickets sell out quickly so please purchase them as soon as possible - they cost £5 each and include a 6 page book and a dabber!

TUESDAY 1ST APRIL - 2-3PM - PARKFIELD'S GOT TALENT Tickets will be sent out to families of those performing nearer the time.


FRIDAY 4TH APRIL - EASTER SERVICE AT ALL SAINTS AND MARTYR CHURCH - 11AM - 12PM Year 5 will be leading the service. All families welcome.



Tickets are now available for out annual Easter Bingo event which is being held on Friday 28th March between 6pm and 9pm in the school hall. Tickets sell out quickly so please purchase them as soon as possible - they cost £5 each and include 


Advanced warning that there are less than 3 weeks to prepare decorated eggs and bonnets for the competition on Thursday 3rd April. All pupils are welcome to take part in one or both competitions. Good luck with the desigining and everyone that takes part will recieve a small prize. The overall winners will be announced in the church service on Friday 4th.


The Eco and School Council have teamed up this year and have decided to run an Easter raffle.  Tickets will be £1 per strip and they will be available in the computer suite at break times from  Monday 17th March.   


We have lots of competitions booked over the next few months so please check the newsletter each week to see whether your child's club is on or not.

Monday 17th March - Year 3/4 Multi Sports (This club is full - If you would like your child to be added to the waiting list please let Mrs Banks know)

Tuesday 18th March - Year 5/6 Football CANCELLED DUE TO RUGBY TOURNAMENT

Wednesday 19th March - Dance Club CANCELLED DUE TO STAFF TRAINING

Thursday 20th March - Year 5/6 Cross Country 



If your child has been successful in getting through to the finals taking place later this term, please help them rehearse in the run up to the main event.


We would like to inform you that, after the Easter holidays, the price of school dinners will increase to £2.85 per day, reflecting a 10% rise. This adjustment is necessary due to rising costs in areas such as food prices and staffing.

Despite this increase, we remain committed to providing high-quality, nutritious meals for our pupils, ensuring they receive a healthy and balanced lunch each day.


A number of children have started to bring in toys, teddies and fidgets in from home. These are not allowed in school and cause numerous issues and distractions for children. Please remind children to keep these at home. If your child requires a fidget to help them with their attention in class, school will provide them with one.


A reminder that children in Y1-6 have various homework activities each week.

All links can be found on the school website homepage and logins are in your child's personal organiser.


Are you entitled to Free School meals? If you're not sure please  read the information and apply using the link here. School receives additional funding for those pupils that are entitled for free school meals and this much needed funding helps better support all Parkfielders. Even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 or they're on packed lunch - please still apply. In addition, if there has been a change in your family circumstances (i.e. recently become unemployed) you may also be entitled to apply for Free School Meals. 


Would you like to see how well your child is doing at school? We award Dojo points for pupils that go 'above and beyond' in the classroom and these can be seen by parents if you download the app. We have over 80% of our families signed up already! If you click this link to set up a parent account we will then approve it. This acess will provide you with the opportunity to see how many Dojo points your child has earnt and what for. Please note that we are only using the app for Dojo points, not messages or photos, therefore you do not need any of the subscription options you might be offered. 

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Mr Kemp is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supported by Mrs Clawson and Mrs Smith (Deputy DSL). If you have any concerns about the needs or welfare of a pupil, please don't hesitate to contact the school. We all share a responsibility to our pupils safety and wellbeing.

As a school our promise is: We will listen, we will support and we will take action.

More information can be found on the school website here: 


As you are all aware, school attendance and punctuality is one of Parkfields priorities and I have been thrilled with the support that parents have been giving with regards to improving their children’s attendance.

Our school target is 96% this year and we need your continued support to ensure that we meet this mark.


Please note that, in line with the school policy, fines will be issued to families that go on a term time holiday where children miss 5 consecutive full days. Currently the fine is £160 per child per parent which equates to a £640 fine for a two parent family with two children. This is reduced to £320 if paid within 21days. If you are going on holiday due to exceptional circumstances, please speak to the headteacher as a fine may not have to be issued. More information an be found on our attendance policy found here.

Persistent Absence 

Persistent absence is defined by the Government as attendance below 90%. This equates to 19 days or more of absence a year or 100+ lessons missed. If a child’s attendance drops below 90% this could lead to them becoming a safeguarding concern. This could also result in the authority taking legal action against parents, resulting in a fine or court appearance. Over the next few weeks I will be making contact by letter with the families of children whose attendance is below 90% to invite you into school for a discussion about how we can support you to improve your child’s attendance. 

Thank you so much to all the families who have been working hard to ensure children’s attendance and punctuality is high. Establishing early good habits really will make a positive difference to their lives. The link between attendance and achievement cannot be over stated. Your child will achieve better if they are in school every day. Only in very exceptional circumstances should a child be absent from school. Please ring the school office no later than 8.30am to report an absence.


Please get your child to school on time. Poor punctuality can lead to your child…  

At Parkfield children are to line up before school and doors open at 8.45am.  They close at shortly after.

If you arrive after the doors are closed you will have to come through the school office.

Arrivals after 9.30am are classed as an unauthorised absence for the morning session.





At Parkfield we promote the 5 ways to Wellbeing which can help children and adults to achieve a more positive lifestyle.

#THRIVE offer a local service for children and young people aged up to 19 years who are experiencing health and wellbeing issues such as feeling stressed, worried or not enjoying things. #Thrive can also provide advice and support to parents, carers and anyone that works with a child or young person. You can find out more information about the service by clicking here: 

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