Issue 40 - Friday 21st July 2023

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

As it is the end of the school year, it is important to reflect on the many successes we have had over the past 12 months. These have included: many school trips, residentials, Poetry X-Factor, Parkfield's Got Talent, Spelling Bees, Maths Passport Championships, Coronation theme day, library trips, choir performances, Ed-venture days and a visit from OFSTED to finish off the year. As always, pictures from these memorable events can be found on our photo albums page and highlights can be found on the termly community newsletter which is created by the wonderful Mr Haughton.

Today was the final day at Parkfield for all of our Year 6 pupils. It has been a pleasure seeing them grow up over the past seven years into the kind, caring and positive group they are today. I'm certain they will be able to look back on their time at Parkfield fondly and remember for years to come the positive impact the school and its staff had on their lives.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole Parkfield staff team who have been amazing this school year. Without their hard work, support and dedication Parkfield wouldn't be the same place.

Enjoy the summer holidays, stay safe, and we look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Wednesday 6th September.

Mr Kemp



We said an emotional good bye and good luck today as our Year 6 children performed in their leavers assembly. Their performance of the Lion King was wonderful and demonstrated what a talented bunch of Year 6 pupils we have. They have demonstrated true resilience over the past few weeks with hours of rehearsals and it certainly paid off. We wish them all the best of luck as they move on to high school and we look forward to hearing about their future successes.

Remember Year 6.....Once a Parkfielder, Always a Parkfielder.


After 11 years at the school, Mrs Whalen says goodbye today. She has been a senior member of staff over all those years and has had a positive impact on the lives of hundreds of children and their families throughout her time at Parkfield. In her role as SENCO, she has contributed significantly in ensuring that the school is as an inclusive environment as possible for many of our pupils with additional needs. Mrs Whalen heads off to Dubai, with her son, for a new chapter in their life and we wish them both all the success in the world at their new school.


We have two members of staff getting married over the summer and we wish them both the best of luck on their big days. Miss Steele will return to Parkfield as Mrs Smith and Miss Howard will return as Mrs Clawson. Congratulations to the both of you.


Last week, despite the poor weather and having to stay indoors, we made a grand total of just over £1300 at the Summer Fair. Thanks so much for all your support and thanks to those that came along to help on the day - we couldn't have done it without your support.


Earlier this week we sent reports out to all parents across the school. If you would like to let us know about the format of the report so that we can improve things in future please click here: 


There will be a parents meeting on the second day back in September (Thursday 7th at 3.15pm) for our new Y5 families. The meeting will give you some key information about the Robinwood residential.  This needs to be paid in full by the end of August please. You do not need to go out and purchase any special clothing or footwear for the residential.


Congratulations to Bamford house (Yellow) for receiving the most points this half-term. Children in that house may come to school wearing non-uniform on Friday 8th September.


Miss Howard spoke in Monday's assembly about this year's Summer Reading Challenge which children can join in with either online at or by visiting a local library where they can collect a folder in which to receive special stickers, rewards and a certificate at the end. She'd love to hear about any children's achievements in taking part when we return in September!

PE TIMETABLE FOR SEPTEMBER   (Y4 Swimming starts on the second week back.)

There will be some slight changes to the days Parkfielders are to come to school in their PE kits from September. Please see below:


A reminder that on their PE days, Parkfielders are to wear their PE kit. They are not allowed to come in other sports clothing. We have had a number of pupils this year come to school in football shirts or t-shirts with large slogans on during their PE days. This looks untidy and doesn't meet our high expectations. A reminder about uniform and PE kit can be found on our website here:


Children will be given new water bottles in September.


The KS2 lockers are only small. As a result, children only need a drawstring type bag for school. There is no need for large bags.


The clubs are filling up quickly and if you would like to book a place for before and after school club from September please click here: 


Please note that at the moment you have to log into Twitter to see our tweets. This is a policy change that Twitter have made and we hope it is changed back in near future.


Due to all the hard work we have put in as a school over the last 12 months in regards to our eco team and promoting our Eco code of 'Be Seen to be Green' we have been awarded the Green Flag. Well done and thanks to everyone involved. Special thanks to Mrs Banks that completed the assessment for the award.


Parkfield will be having CCTV installed over the summer holidays both inside and outside the school. The intended purposes of the CCTV include: protecting the School buildings and school assets, both during and after school hours; promoting the health and safety of staff, pupils and visitors as well as for monitoring student behaviour; preventing bullying; reducing the incidence of crime and anti-social behaviour (including theft and vandalism) and ensuring that the School rules are respected so that the School can be properly managed. 

The CCTV policy can be found on our polices page of the website here.


We are now in a position where we can announce which class all our staff, including our brilliant SEND team, will be working in from September. 

Please note that pupils with SEND will be supported by a number of members of staff within the class and for those pupils where there have been changes, work will take place to ensure the transition runs as smoothly as possible.

Mrs Howard will be our Deputy Headteacher and one of her roles will be SENDCO. 

Mrs Price will be our Assistant Headteacher and she will be leading EYFS and KS1.

Newsletter Slides


Mrs Whalen is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supported by Mr Kemp and Miss Steele (Deputy DSL). If you have any concerns about the needs or welfare of a pupil, please don't hesitate to contact the school. We all share a responsibility to our pupils safety and wellbeing.

As a school our promise is: We will listen, we will support and we will take action.


As you are all aware, school attendance and punctuality is one of Parkfields priorities and I have been thrilled with the support that parents have been giving with regards to improving their children’s attendance.

Our school target is 96% this year. We are currently below this target and we need your continued support to ensure that we meet this mark.

Persistent Absence 

Persistent absence is defined by the Government as attendance below 90%. This equates to 19 days or more of absence a year or 100+ lessons missed. If a child’s attendance drops below 90% this could lead to them becoming a safeguarding concern. This could also result in the authority taking legal action against parents, resulting in a fine or court appearance. Over the next few weeks I will be making contact by letter with the families of children whose attendance is below 90% to invite you into school for a discussion about how we can support you to improve your child’s attendance. 

Thank you so much to all the families who have been working hard to ensure children’s attendance and punctuality is high. Establishing early good habits really will make a positive difference to their lives. The link between attendance and achievement cannot be over stated. Your child will achieve better if they are in school every day. Only in very exceptional circumstances should a child be absent from school. Please ring the school office no later than 8.30am to report an absence.


Please get your child to school on time. Poor punctuality can lead to your child…  

At Parkfield children are to line up before school and doors open at 8.45am.  They close at 8.50am.

If you arrive after 8.50am you will have to come through the school office.






At Parkfield we promote the 5 ways to Wellbeing which can help children and adults to achieve a more positive lifestyle.

#THRIVE offer a local service for children and young people aged up to 19 years who are experiencing health and wellbeing issues such as feeling stressed, worried or not enjoying things. #Thrive can also provide advice and support to parents, carers and anyone that works with a child or young person. You can find out more information about the service by clicking here: 

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