Issue 11 - Friday 13th November 2020
Headteacher's Welcome
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week has been another memorable one for our Parkfielders. In addition to today's non-uniform day, Wednesday's remembrance day was a huge success. Following a whole school zoom assembly, every class were taught about a different aspect of remembrance ranging from the Blitz and government propaganda to evacuees and the impact of Winston Churchill. A wonderful slideshow from the day can be accessed by clicking here. Following this, on Thursday the whole school enjoyed a Mad Science interactive assembly over zoom which included some exciting investigations being demonstrated.
This past week has also seen a first in Parkfield's history where our Y6 class have been taught by their class teacher via a live video link. Mr Barnes, who is currently shielding, has done an amazing job delivering live lessons across the whole week, with Mrs Naughton supporting the class, to ensure we still have an exceptionally high standard of teaching and learning taking place. I'd also like to say well done to Y6 that have responded brilliantly to this new way of learning and produced some fabulous work over the week.
Following another week where we have not had to send any bubbles home, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the families across the school that have continued to follow the guidelines and not send pupils into school when a family member is poorly at home. We've had well over 100 children tested since September and although there have been a few positive pupil cases it hasn't had any impact on the school because self-isolation guidelines are being followed by all. I realise that at some point we will have to close a bubble but for now thanks for your continued support in this area.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mr Kemp
Thanks to everyone that has supported the school council over the past couple of weeks and purchased items or donated money for both the Poppy appeal and then Children in Need. It really is appreciated.
We currently have a number of pupils across the school that are self isolating. If your child is well, they're able to login to Showbie and complete the daily tasks that are set. Teachers are commenting on the tasks when they have been completed. Please note that any pupil at home is able to attend the following assemblies each week by clicking on the relevant link below.
Monday Achievement Assembly at 10.10am
Friday Achievement Assembly at 10.10am
A reminder that our Covid-19 information page is being regularly updated and includes some revisions to the risk assessment. If you're unsure about the guidelines that are to be followed, the information will be on this page.
We have had over twenty Y6 pupils each day attending our free breakfast booster classes, which is fantastic news. However, there's room for more! Please join us from 8.15am.
We are 'hoping' to plan a number of activities over Christmas for the children to enjoy but await further news following lockdown.
Please visit the curriculum section of our website to find out about the learning that will be taking place in your child's class this next half term.
A huge thank you to Carol Hibbert from Tesco Middleton who has donated a large number of toys to the school. They've been sent to Middleton Foodbank as they are collecting for a Christmas Toy appeal where they'll be supporting the families of Middleton.
At Parkfield we have always taught Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) but from this September 2020 the relationships and health aspect of the subject is compulsory for all schools to deliver. We have produced a 5 minute video (see below or on this link: ) to explain the changes to the curriculum and welcome any comments or questions by completing the following online form:
School Dinners
Our exciting, new school menu can be found here:
Dinners cost £2.30 per day or £11.50 per week.
Early Birds and Busy Bees
A limited number of spaces are still available. Please contact the school office to book a place.
7.30am - 8.45am = £2.50, 8.15am - 8.45am = £1.50, 3.15 - 5.30pm = £8.00
REMINDERS from previous Newsletters
During lockdown, we are going to increase the amount of PE that children are taught whilst in school. At Parkfield, we strongly believe that sport and being physically active helps children's physical and mental wellbeing. We know that with the cancellation of out of school clubs and grassroots sports these opportunities are going to be significantly reduced for many and hope that the additional exercise they get at school will help. The extra lessons will not require PE kit to be worn on additional days as they're going to be timetabled flexibly dependant on the wonderful British weather. PE kit is still to be worn on the usual days for children in Y1-6.
Staff are now wearing face coverings in all communal areas within the school to prevent the spread of coronavirus. This is because schools across the country are finding that transmission of the virus is high amongst staff. We ask for your support by continuing to wear face coverings on the school grounds and not coming to the school office unless absolutely neccessary.
If your child is at home self isolating work is being set via our online system 'Showbie' so that they can complete work in line with what their peers will be learning in the classroom. Teachers are able to comment and feedback on work that is submitted. For more information please visit the home learning section of the website -
We've been asked to share the following link with families that are worried about their child's mental health and wellbeing due to the coronavirus. The website found here gives some great advice on how you can support your child at this difficult time:
Learning Logs, linked to this term's learning, have been sent out this week and include a numbe fo tasks that pupils can work on whilst at home. The tasks complement work being set in class and can be sent back on the final week of this term.
For those families that would like to support the Rotary club with their annual shoebox appeal please send £1 in a labelled envelope into school and we'll send a shoebox home with your child. These can then be returned and then passed back to Rotary club where they send them to those children in need across the UK and Eastern Europe. They can be filled with items such as: toiletries, toys, socks, gloves, scarves.
Please be aware that Broadbents, our official uniform supplier, is closed during lockdown but are offering free deliveries. Contact them via email, telephone or facebook.
Middleton Foodbank are asking for donations of toys for children in our community. The toys must be new and can be left at the school office where they will be collected from. thank you on their behalf. SCHOOL OFFICE ACCESS
To keep staff safe in the current climate it is vital that parents and carers only come to the school office if it is essential. Money and letters can be placed in school bags which will then be collected by class teachers and messages can be taken via the phone or email. If you do have to enter the premises a facemask must be worn.
A reminder that school starts at 8.45 promptly and classroom doors are open until 9am each morning. Late arrivals after this time must enter via the main entrance.
Unfortunately, children are not be able to bring in any sweets/cake to share with their classmates for their birthday. As an alternative, we would be extremely grateful if they want to donate a book to their class library. Thanks to the many that have already donated something this year.
A reminder that if anyone in your household displays symptoms of coronavirus, the whole household must self isolate and not come into school until that person has been tested and recieved a negative result. At school, self-isolation will not be classed as an absence and work will be provided for those that are at home. If you are unsure, please contact school.
Just as a precautionary measure, we are sending home some blank exercise books that children can work in if they have to self isolate at any point. The work completed in the exercise books can be photographed and uploaded onto Showbie/Tapestry so that the class teacher can comment. These books stay at home and are different to a homework book. They are only for when children are self-isolating.
We love to read at Parkfield and we want to say a huge thanks to everyone that donated towards the sponsored reading/listening event. We made a total of £812 which means we get to spend £1300 on brand new books for the classrooms! This means we've spent over £3500 on new books for the school over the past few months. Thanks so much for all your support.
If you would like to know what your child is learning this half term please visit our curriculum website. The site provides you with all the information you need to support your child at home. Parkfield staff have worked incredibly hard over the past few months to complete as it includes comprehensive information about what each class is learning each term across every subject. Our long term plans pages ( have links to each classes half termly curriculum overview. We do hope you find the information useful.
A reminder that to help reduce congestion we are asking:
Parents and children to stand in allocated areas
Only one parent/carer to enter the school grounds, where possible
Those that are happy for their child to walk onto the school site and wait on their own may do so (likely to be Y6 and 5 children)
Prospective parents can now apply for their child to join us in September 2021 by clicking here: The application deadline is January 15th 2021.
If you are or know of any prospective parents for September 2021 please share the following link with them:
A reminder that children are welcome to bring in healthy snacks for morning break because we currently have no tuck shop up and running. Children in KS1 receive free fruit and milk. There is also no toast available for KS1 and KS2 on a Friday.
Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their full outdoor PE kit.
Monday: Year 3 and 4
Tuesday: Year 5 and 6
Thursday: Year 1 and 2
Please note: Reception do not require an outdoor PE kit. More information can be found here:
For anyone who might be interested: Our school is almost full but we have a few spare places in Y4. Contact the school office for more details. There is a process with Rochdale LA to follow, but we can help.
Mrs Whalen is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supported by Miss Steele (Deputy DSL). If you have any concerns about the needs or welfare of a pupil, please don't hesitate to contact the school. We all share a responsibility to our pupils safety and wellbeing.
As a school our promise is: We will listen, we will support and we will take action.
Health and Safety
Unfortunately, Parents and Carers are not allowed to drop off and pick up from the school car park at any time.
Children are not allowed on the play equipment before and after school. Please keep them off.