Copy of Email - Sent 28/05/2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying the sunshine this half term.
I am writing to remind you that school will be open this Monday June 1st for keyworker and vulnerable children only. We have sent a seperate email to those families to confirm the places available. Please do not come to school if your place has not been confirmed.
Although the government has said they wish for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils to return this Monday, we are not in a position at Parkfield to offer this provision. In addition, Rochdal Local Authority have requested schools to only look at offering this provision from the 15th June in light of the medical evidence presented by SAGE last week.
I would also like to add that if the current government guidelines remain in place throughout the summer, it will be unlikely that we can offer provision to all of these year groups. We simply don't have the space or staffing available to support this number of pupils. For example, keeping 2m between pupils within the classroom means we can only accomodate a maximum of 9 pupils in each of our four KS2 classrooms.
I do understand that this will be frustrating to many of our parents that are thinking about returning to work but our number one priority at the moment is to keep all our children and staff at Parkfield as safe as possible.
Thanks for your continued support,
Mr Kemp
Frequently Asked Questions
We have attempted to answer many of the frequently asked questions we are being asked. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email
What risk assessment has taken place to ensure children are safe coming back to school?
A comprehensive risk assessment has been carried out to ensure that all pupils and staff are as safe as possible.
Can you guarantee that my child will not catch coronavirus?
No. The measures we have put in place are to reduce the risk. We cannot eliminate the risk.
Will I still receive my childcare vouchers if my child is not in school?
Yes. These will continue if you’re entitled to Free School Meals. If your child returns to school they will receive a free school meal and you will not be entitled to the vouchers.
How will the social ‘bubbles’ work?
Children will have to remain in their social bubbles at all times. Unfortunately, if a child is in the ‘keyworker’ group and their year group are able to attend in future weeks they will not be able to join them as this will be a different bubble.
What will my child have for dinner?
We are developing a menu that is easy for pupils to eat whilst in the classroom (e.g. packed lunch, finger food). There will be a limited choice but we hope to offer hot food for a number of days.
Will they be able to bring in a lunch bag?
Yes. These are allowed as children won’t be sharing the contents of their packed lunch.
Will my child have access to the water fountains?
No. Children will have to bring in a water bottle from home that can be taken home and washed daily. On hotter days, children may want to bring in more than one water bottle. Please be assured that if your child forgets their water bottle we will be able to provide them with a drink.
What will my child be able to bring into school?
They will only be able to bring in a coat and packed lunch. No other items will be allowed.
Can I just turn up to school if I change my mind and want to send my child to now attend?
No. We will be keeping registers of the children attending each day. We will require a minimum of 7 days’ notice as we may have to rearrange and increase staffing levels.
I’m a key worker, requiring childcare, does my child have to attend full time every day?
We would prefer your child to attend every day, full time as staff will be in place for this provision. However, we understand that you may not want to be in every day. Our expectation is that children attend for a full day (8.45am – 3.15pm). Both school gates will be locked during the day and we may not have the staff available that can meet parents.
Will I be fined if I don’t send my child to school?
No. Currently, the government have said they will not fine parents if they decide to keep their children at home.
Will I lose my child’s place at Parkfield if they don’t come in for the remainder of the term?
No. Your child will still be a Parkfielder in September.
If my child does attend, what are my options if I don’t want my child to attend anymore?
Let school know and we will accept your decision.
What will happen if the member of staff in my child’s bubble is poorly?
If it is not coronavirus related symptoms, we will first attempt to cover the group with another member of staff that hasn’t had contact with another social bubble. If we have no members of staff available we will send a message as early as possible to let parents know that we can’t provide any provision and children will have to stay at home.
What will happen if my child is displaying symptoms from coronavirus?
They must stay at home and you must follow government guidance. You will be entitled to have your child and household tested for the virus. All children in their social bubble will also be sent home and will be able to be tested.
If the poorly child has a sibling that is in a different social bubble, the children within that group and adults would also have to be sent home.
If your child is poorly at school, a member of staff will support them. The member of staff will be wearing PPE and will accompany them to an area of the school away from anyone else until they can be collected.
Our household has someone that is clinically vulnerable. Should I send my child to school?
What will you be doing for those children that are not in school?
We will continue and develop further, the home schooling that is being offered to those that remain at home. We will also continue our regular phone calls and the popular whole class zoom video conferences.
If my child is only attending part-time, what do we do on the days that my child is at home?
Home learning tasks will continue to be provided on Showbie and Tapestry (Reception)
Can you make sure siblings are able to start school at the same times?
Where possible we will keep siblings together. However, if there is a large age gap this may not be possible as a Y6 pupil will not want to be placed in a Reception classroom.
Will my child be grouped by ability?
Unfortunately, we will not be able to group children by ability.
Will my child be grouped with their friends?
We will do our very best to group children with their friends. However, if they are in a ‘keyworker’ bubble they will be unable to mix with children from their class that attend part time and are in a separate bubble.
Can my child change the social bubble they are in?
We would only consider this in extreme circumstances and a period of time (possibly a week) would have to be spent away from school before any change.
Will my child have to wear uniform?
No. It will be optional. We understand that many children have grown and may not fit into their uniform. We also appreciate that many of our children like dressing in their uniform and would prefer this. You will have to make the decision. What we do ask is that clothes must be washed daily and cannot be worn the following day.
Will you be covering the curriculum as planned?
Unfortunately, no. We have an amazing curriculum at Parkfield and our whole staff are upset that they can’t deliver it. Our focus within class will be to support the home learning tasks being set and support the pupil’s emotional health and wellbeing.
Can you guarantee that my child will be taught by a teacher?
No. We don’t have enough teachers for the number of bubbles required. Teachers will also have to spend time contacting other members of their class and supporting home learning. We also have some members of staff who are unable to attend school as they’re shielding.
I’m a key worker and my child will have to be in school full time. Will they be with their class on the days their classmates are in?
Unfortunately we can’t guarantee this. We understand that this can and will cause some upset.
What arrangements are in place for Y6 transition to high school?
We have been in contact with all the high schools that our Parkfielders are attending and we have sent over important information – including predicted SATS grades. These scores will be shared with parents in an end of year report near the end of term. If high schools arrange a transition day at a later point in the term, we will contact parents. Members of staff from high schools will not be visiting any Y6’s at Parkfield as we’re not allowing any visitors.
Has anything been arranged for Y6 pupils leaving?
It is really upsetting for the whole school community that many of our Y6’s may not attend Parkfield again. When it is safe to do so, school will arrange a leaving party that our Parkfielders fully deserve.
Who will be allowed into the school building?
We will be reducing the number of people coming into school by having only essential services come in – such as workmen. Parents will not be able to come into school. All communication will be via phone, email or video conferencing.