Issue 11 - Friday 13th December 2019

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers

Before we start an incredibly busy and exciting Christmas week at Parkfield, I thought I'd send a short newsletter to remind you about some of the events taking place.

Today's brilliant Reception Nativity and the Pantomime earlier on in the week has certainly got our Parkfielders in the Christmas spirit.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mr Kemp

Latest News


Year 1 and 2 will be performing together over two afternoons on the 16th and 17th of December at 2pm. Tickets are limited to four per family as space in the hall is limited. We look forward to seeing you at the performances.


All friends and families are welcome to join us at All Saints and Martyr at 10.30am on Wednesday 18th December. The Y6 children will be delivering the majority of the service, the choir will be performing and Father Philip will be in attendance. We hope you will leave feeling incredibly festive!


Next Thursday 19th December, all pupils can come to school in non uniform as they will be having their Christmas parties. Party clothes or Christmas Jumpers are welcome! Please be mindful of the weather as children will still be playing out at break and dinner where there's a good possiblity of it being cold and wet!


Opening school on polling day proved successful and there were no issues throughout the day. Thanks for your understanding in having to enter the school via the entrances on the back KS2 yard.


Our traditional Christmas lunch is very popular and if your child has a packed lunch and wants a dinner, then please pop into the office and let them know. It's free for children in KS1 and in KS2 it is the usual price of £2.20.


Throughout the Spring term, we're inviting all Y6 pupils into school from 8.15am every morning to take part in some additional booster classes to help them prepare for the end of year SATs tests. The classes will be free of charge and we will send more information in the near future.


Please note, there will be no after school clubs, other than Busy Bees, on the final week of term.


A reminder that school closes for the Christmas holidays on Thursday 19th December 2019 and we re-open on Monday 6th January.

PTA News


Thanks so much for your support last week at the fair. A special thanks to those that were able to help on the day and also so some of the local businesses that donated some of the prizes, including 40 Winks of Middleton. We made over £950 - which is an incredible amount. These funds will be used to part fund the pantomime trip.


Thanks to those that supported the Christmas movie night. We made a total of £550 profit. Thanks also for your support with the 'Tea with Santa' event where we made a profit of £168.


Would you like to win £500 before Christmas? Raffle tickets have been sent home and if you'd like to take part please return your ticket with the £5 entry fee. The raffle is now going to be drawn at the Christmas Carol Service on Wednesday 18th December.

📅 Calendar

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🍴 School Dinners🍴

  • Please let the school office know as soon as possible if your child is changing from school meals to packed lunches and vice versa.
  • In line with local authority guidance, the price of school meals has increased to £2.20 each day, £11 per week for KS2 children. All monies will be collected using 'School Gateway'. Please note, if school meals are 2 weeks in arrears you will be asked to provide a packed lunch.
  • The school provides healthy and nutritious school meals that are cooked onsite. The contents of each school meal is in line with Healthy Eating Guidelines which is a requirement for all schools.
  • All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM), irrespective of family income and family circumstances. If your circumstances change in future and you then receive benefits, you will need to apply for a Free School Meal (FSM). The number of children entitled to a FSM affects the funding we receive as a school. Therefore, we kindly ask all parents that believe they may be entitled, to apply for FSM. These forms can be collected from the school office or downloaded online from

🔗 Useful Links 🔗

Find out about how our curriculum is structured and the objectives children learn in each year group and subject. We are currently in Autumn 1 Cycle B.

A range of activities are set each half term related to the learning taking place in the classroom.

Payments for dinners, trips and other activities can be made online using the School Gateway.

Would you like the opportunity to win £25,000 each week and support the school? If so, please join the Parkfield school lottery where one person from our school is guaranteed a prize each week. A percentage of the money raised goes towards school funds.

🔔 Reminders 🔔

✅ Please read as much as possible with your child. Just 10 minutes a day can make a huge difference.

✅ There is a spelling test each Friday for Y1-6 and new spellings to be learnt are also given out on a Friday.

Library days: Mon – 5/6, Tues – 3/4, Weds – 1/2, Thurs – R.

✅ Mathletics tasks are set online each week to consolidate and extend learning.

✅ ‘Plain black’ shoes or trainers with no other colours on them

✅ Information about school uniform can be found on the school website here.

✅ All after school clubs finish at 4pm. Please let us know if your child doesn’t want to continue as we usually have long waiting lists.

✅ School water bottles are available for £1 from the school office. No other water bottle is allowed.

✅ All equipment is provided by school. Please don’t send pens, pencils, pencil cases…etc.

✅ Remember to check your emails, we like to send plenty!

⏰ Attendance and Punctuality

  • School doors are open between 8.45 - 8.50am. Thank you for getting your children to school on time so that they are able to complete the start of day activities.

⚠️ Health and Safety

  • Please do not park in front of the school gates at any time. This week we have a had a few complaints because people are parking and the road is being blocked. This is unsafe for both our children and parents.