School Updates - 24th March 2020 @ 12pm (Issue 19)
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you are all well and staying safe.
We're now in a position to offer a takeaway packed lunch to those pupils that are entitled to Free School Meals. Please click the link below below to if you want to take us up on this offer.
Once ordered, the 'Grab bags' can be collected from the school foyer between 11.30am and 12.00pm each day.
Please note that staffing in the school office has been considerably reduced and as a result we're asking all parents to communicate via email. For school issues please contact and for anything related to home learning please email
A reminder that children can accces work on our new Curriculum Site
We know that home learning will be difficult for many and there are no minimum expectations from school in terms of completing the work. However, teachers will be updating Showbie regularly with work for children to complete. It's been great to see the number of children accessing the learning over the past couple of days. Please be aware that they're unable to comment on every piece of work or respond immediately.
I want to let you know that there has been an email scam where parents are being asked for their bank details for funds towards free school meals. This is a scam and school or the Department for Education will not ask for this information.
Please stay safe at these unprecedented times and we will continue to keep you up to date through email and texts.
Mr Kemp and Mrs Whalen
(Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher)