Issue 23 - Friday 12th February 2021

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

Although this half term has been incredibly challenging for all, I can look back at what has been achieved over the past six weeks and feel very positive about the way the school community have demonstrated their resilience at such a difficult time. The Parkfield staff team have been amazing. The way they have adapted to working in a new way and been able to support children both in school and at home has been remarkable. Parkfield, although much quieter than usual, is very much open and running very effectively for those attending.

The pupils, both at home and in school, have demonstrated how hard working they are and how well they can adapt to new situations. I have been thoroughly impressed with the quality and quantity of work being submitted by those at home.

Our parents and carers have been amazing throughout this period. Our expectations around home learning have been ambitious because we wanted to ensure that our pupils at home did not fall far behind their peers. Your support, so far, has been great and thoroughly appreciated by the staff. Although it has been successful, I sincerely hope it doesn’t continue for much longer.

Although March 8th has been mentioned as a potential date that children will start to return to school, I am sure that we will find out more details during the Prime Ministers announcement due on February 22nd. Like yourselves, I am eagerly awaiting the dates for when all our Parkfielders can return and continue to learn in school as normal. Once all our pupils return, the school does have a ‘catch up’ plan in place, which will identify and support those pupils that have fallen behind due to the lockdown.

Enjoy your half term. I do hope you get the chance to get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air. Thanks for your continued support and we'll see you back in school or online on Monday 22nd February.

Mr Kemp



This afternoon we announced the seven nominees for the Scott Hetherington Character Award. This half term we have been focussing on problem solving skills and all teachers nominated a member of their class that has demonstrated these qualities over the past month. Our school councillors choose the final two winners after reading all teh different reasons for the nominations. Congratulations to the winners Sienna S and Sophia S. and a huge well done to the other nominees: Ella-Rose S, Luca R, Jake G, Ben O and Rhea M.


The staff and many of the pupils in school have put together a short valentines video to cheer everyone up and spread a little bit of joy over the half term. Click the following link to watch:


A reminder that we'll be continuing our live zoom lessons and Friday assemblies after half term at the same times currently in place:

Reception: 9.30am, 11.00am, 1.15pm. (except Wednesday afternoons)

Year 1 and 2: 9.15am, 11am, 1.20pm (except Thursday afternoons)

Year 3 and 4: 9.30am, 11am, 1.40pm (except Monday afternoons)

Year 5 and 6: 9.10am, 10.45am and 1.30pm (except Tuesday afternoons)

Achievement Assembly: Fridays at 2.30pm


Earlier this term we asked parents and carers for their views on homelearning. Thanks to those that responded. On the whole, the responses were very positive and mean we have very little to alter in what we currently offer. The results and the feedback can be found on our website here:


Please can we remind parents and carers to not park outside the school gates at the beggining or the end of the day. The yellow gridded area is in place for everyone's safety and parking in that area increases the risk of an accident.


Please may we remind all parents and children that we provide a 'Parkfield Water Bottle' for use in school. If your child loses it then another can be purchased for £1 from the school office. Please take it home and rinse it daily, then return it the next day containing water only. Children may only drink something other than water for medical reasons. As a good will gesture, we will re-issue any missing water bottles after half term. This has been a school rule for quite a while now and we are sorry for any confusion or mis-understanding. Thank you for your continued support.


Advanced warning that World Book Day is on the way and it is a much loved day for our children to look forward to. We want to create an exciting and memorable experience for our home and school learners by doing the following....

  • Dressing Up: we would like our children to have the opportunity to dress up this year whether at home or at school. They can dress up as a book character, in any fancy dress, or just in their own clothes (non-uniform).

  • Lessons: the timetable for the lessons will be different for that day and will be off the usual timetable. New Zoom links and timings will be uploaded on to Showbie etc for that specific day, nearer to the time. There will be a plethora of fun learning offered, such as: live book readings from a range of teachers, creative book making, creative writing, book cover art and illustrations.

We look forward to an amazing day!


A reminder that our Covid-19 information page is being regularly updated and includes an up to date risk assessment. If you're unsure about the guidelines that are to be followed, the information will be on this page.

Newsletter Slides

REMINDERS from previous Newsletters


For those at home we do understand how difficult it can be to access lessons from home and complete any work set. All we ask from yourselves and your children is to do your best. We understand that not all children will be able to access all lessons but we do want children to have a go at completing any work set on Showbie (or Tapestry). If you're finding that the work is too difficult, please message the class teacher or contact school and we'll see how we can better support your child.

In addition, if you are struggling to access lessons from home on a suitable device please contact the school office. We do have a limited number of laptops to help our families during the lockdown. Also if you're struggling with anything technical, Mr Haughton will be happy to support and you can email him directly here:

For more information and links on our home learning you can visit our dedicated web page here:


Since being introduced a few weeks ago children in Year 2-6 have completed a total of 102 hours of reading with a wonderful 662 books read. This is an incredible start to the scheme and we hope more and more children log on over the next few weeks to make sure these numbers continue to rise. Following each book, children are able to answer comprehension questions on the book to demonstrate their understanding. Please continue to promote the use of myON and Accelerated Reader to your child which can be accessed via the school home page.


At this time of the year we usually host a parents evening for all pupils. Given the current circumstances we have decided to postpone it until a later date when we feel it will be more beneficial. However, if you do have any concerns that you'd like to discuss with the classteacher, please contact the school and to arrange a call back.


If your child is entitled to Free School Meals and they are learning from home please keep an eye on your emails for vouchers. Next week you will reciev two weeks worth of vouchers. Please note that the Free School Meal vouchers are only for those entitled and does not include those pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 that receive Universal Free School Meals (UFSM).


During this lockdown we want to bring the school community as much as possible. However, we're aware that too many zoom assemblies for those at home can be an added pressure. As a result, achievement assembly will be on a Friday at 2.30pm. There will be no Monday assembly. The assembly can be accessed on the links below and the link is also available on Showbie.

Friday Achievement Assembly at 2.30pm


Mrs Whalen is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supported by Miss Steele (Deputy DSL). If you have any concerns about the needs or welfare of a pupil, please don't hesitate to contact the school. We all share a responsibility to our pupils safety and wellbeing.

As a school our promise is: We will listen, we will support and we will take action.

Health and Safety

  • Unfortunately, Parents and Carers are not allowed to drop off and pick up from the school car park at any time.

  • Children are not allowed on the play equipment before and after school. Please keep them off.

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Fake news WUW.pdf

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