Issue 25 - Friday 5th March 2021

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

We've made it through the past couple of months of blended learning and all at school are looking forward to reopening to all pupils this Monday 8th March.

I'd like to say congratulations to all those that have been home schooling over this period. You've made it! The children at home have worked incredibly hard under difficult circumstances and it has to be applauded. Thank you to all those families that have been supporting your children throughout this period.

Well done also to those pupils that have been attending school over this period. Although the staff have worked brilliantly to keep Parkfield as normal as possible for those in school, it has obviously felt different and the children in school have adapted brilliantly and behaved beautifully throughout.

We know that pupils will have missed out on learning and our recovery curriculum will ensure that, over time, pupils will make the progress that is expected of them. To begin with, we'll be concentrating over the next couple of weeks on getting all our Parkfielders back into school ensuring that they're ready to learn.

Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

Mr Kemp



Here are the key bits of information we feel you need to know for when school fully reopens on the Monday 8th March.

  • School will reopen to all pupils on the 8th March

  • All pupils are expected in school, attendance is not optional

  • The entrance and exit routine from Autumn term will continue - with children lining up on the playground and being collected by teaching staff at 8.45am.

  • Before and After School Club will continue as per usual. Please contact the school office as soon as possible to book a place

  • The class bubble system is still in place

  • Coronavirus measures within school will remain. Please see the updated risk assessment (found here) and further details below.

  • School dinners will return to normal with a new, exciting menu for the remainder of the year

  • All children will be provided with a new school water bottle

  • PE lessons will continue as normal with children attending in PE kits on their usual days

  • Y6 breakfast booster club will continue after Easter holidays giving pupils a few weeks to settle back into routine


World Book Day at Parkfield is now going to take place next Friday 12th March. Again, we've altered it from our original plan of Thursday 11th because classes will be taking part in PE lessons that Thursday. Although this is over a week after the official World Book Day, we feel that letting all pupils join in with the celebrations on the day is important. We are asking all children (and staff) to dress up as a book character, in any fancy dress, or just in their own clothes (non-uniform). There will be a number of activities on the day in school to celebrate the day and to promote the love of reading.


At Parkfield, we want or pupils to be kind and one of our Year 3's has set herself the challenge of cycling a total of 100 miles throughout March. In the process she is hoping to raise as much money as possible for Springhill Hospice. If you'd like more information and would like to donate please visit the following link:


Due to school fully reopening we're able to update and offer a full menu from this Monday. Please see the menu here


We are looking to recruit a lunchtime assistant that will support the children at dinner times between 11.30am and 1.30pm everyday. The position is temporary and a total of 10 hours per week, term time only. If you are interested, please contact the school office for more information.


Our two postponed non uniform reward days for Archers (Blue) and Bamford (Yellow) are now going to take place on Thursday 11th March for Archers and Friday 26th March for Bamford. Pupils in those houses can come into school wearing non-uniform on those days. These are in place as Archers won the most house points in Autumn 2 and Bamford in Spring 1.


From Monday our weekly assemblies will continue to take place on a Monday and Friday at 10.10am. A link will be placed on Showbie/Tapestry to access the zoom assembly if your child is at home having to self isolate.


Although children are back in school, coronavirus is still prevalent in the community and our systems of control are still in place. Please help us by:

  • Continuing to wear face masks in the school yard.

  • Have only one adult drop off/pick up where possible.

  • Not coming into the school office area unless essential. You can contact school via phone/email.

  • Ensuring those pupils showing signs of coronavirus do not attend school and get tested.

  • Let school know immediately if the household are self isolating due to either someone showing symptoms are being a confirmed close contact.

  • Not having friends round at each others houses including sleep overs.

  • Support your child with home learning if they are fit and well and having to self isolate.


For those that have been at home, you may want to check that uniforms and shoes still fit before the 8th March. It has been 9 weeks since they last tried them on!


If you have loaned one of the school laptops over this period of lockdown please return them to school as soon as possible when your child returns on March 8th. These will now be used within the school and will be required if classes have to self isolate in future.


Around 1 in 3 people with coronavirus (COVID-19) do not have symptoms but can still pass it on to others. Regular testing of people without symptoms (asymptomatic testing) is important to help stop the virus spreading. As lockdown restrictions gradually ease, we all need to play our part to help protect each other.

On Sunday 28 February, the Department of Health and Social Care announced that from Monday 1 March, households with primary school, secondary school and college age children, including childcare and support bubbles, can test themselves twice every week at home as schools return from Monday 8 March. Households, childcare and support bubbles of primary, secondary and college staff can also be tested. Twice-weekly testing will also be offered to adults working in the wider school community, including bus drivers and after school club leaders. The twice-weekly test kits can be accessed:

· via employers if they offer testing to employees

· at a local test site

· by collecting a home test kit from a test site

· by ordering a home test kit online

Schools will not give test kits to parents, carers or household members. Letters containing advice on where to access testing will be made available for schools to share with parents and staff shortly.

This guidance provides information on who can be tested and how you can get a test.


A reminder that our Covid-19 information page is being regularly updated and includes an up to date risk assessment. If you're unsure about the guidelines that are to be followed, the information will be on this page.

Newsletter Slides

REMINDERS from previous Newsletters


Visit our curriculum website to find out what children will be learning about this half-term. Here are the topic themes that will drive lots of their learning:


This half term, the Parkfield character focus is going to be on being 'encouraging'. We will discuss what it is to be a positive and encouraging Parkfielder and how they can support others in the school community. Classroom activities will be planned so that the pupils are given plenty of opportunities to encourage one another with their learning and develop this important life characteristic.


We have decided to move Parents Evening to Wednesday 28th April between 3.30 and 7pm. This is much later than our usual parents evening but we feel by this date we'll be able to give you accurate assessment information and personalised targets for your child.


Again, there will be no learning logs this half term but we will be asking all children for decorated bonnets and eggs for the annual Easter celebrations. All entries can be brought into school on Wednesday 31st March. We missed out on this last year and hope that this year's entries will be just as as creative as they usually are. All children entering will receive a small prize with the overall winners being voted on by the school staff.


If you'd like the opportunity to win £25,000 each week and support the school you can do so by joining the school lottery. There is a winner from our school each week that wins a smaller prize but there is always the chance of winning the national prize of £25,000. More details and how to join can be found here:


Please may we remind all parents and children that we provide a 'Parkfield Water Bottle' for use in school. If your child loses it then another can be purchased for £1 from the school office. Please take it home and rinse it daily, then return it the next day containing water only. Children may only drink something other than water for medical reasons. As a good will gesture, we will re-issue any missing water bottles after half term. This has been a school rule for quite a while now and we are sorry for any confusion or mis-understanding. Thank you for your continued support.


Please can we remind parents and carers to not park outside the school gates at the beggining or the end of the day. The yellow gridded area is in place for everyone's safety and parking in that area increases the risk of an accident.


For those at home we do understand how difficult it can be to access lessons from home and complete any work set. All we ask from yourselves and your children is to do your best. We understand that not all children will be able to access all lessons but we do want children to have a go at completing any work set on Showbie (or Tapestry). If you're finding that the work is too difficult, please message the class teacher or contact school and we'll see how we can better support your child.

In addition, if you are struggling to access lessons from home on a suitable device please contact the school office. We do have a limited number of laptops to help our families during the lockdown. Also if you're struggling with anything technical, Mr Haughton will be happy to support and you can email him directly here:

For more information and links on our home learning you can visit our dedicated web page here:


Since being introduced a few weeks ago children in Year 2-6 have completed a total of 102 hours of reading with a wonderful 662 books read. This is an incredible start to the scheme and we hope more and more children log on over the next few weeks to make sure these numbers continue to rise. Following each book, children are able to answer comprehension questions on the book to demonstrate their understanding. Please continue to promote the use of myON and Accelerated Reader to your child which can be accessed via the school home page.


During this lockdown we want to bring the school community as much as possible. However, we're aware that too many zoom assemblies for those at home can be an added pressure. As a result, achievement assembly will be on a Friday at 2.30pm. There will be no Monday assembly. The assembly can be accessed on the links below and the link is also available on Showbie.

Friday Achievement Assembly at 2.30pm


Mrs Whalen is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supported by Miss Steele (Deputy DSL). If you have any concerns about the needs or welfare of a pupil, please don't hesitate to contact the school. We all share a responsibility to our pupils safety and wellbeing.

As a school our promise is: We will listen, we will support and we will take action.

Health and Safety

  • Unfortunately, Parents and Carers are not allowed to drop off and pick up from the school car park at any time.

  • Children are not allowed on the play equipment before and after school. Please keep them off.

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Fake news WUW.pdf

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