Issue 31 - Friday 30th April 2021
Headteacher's Welcome
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we move into Bank Holiday weekend I'd like to thank the vast majority of you that were able to attend this week's virtual parent's evening. 88% of our pupils had parents or carers that were able to book and attend a virtual appointment. Although attendance is slightly higher in normal times, this is fantastic to say it is the first time we used this new software. I have sent a questionnaire to find out what parents and carers thought about the evening and I will use your responses to carefully plan our next event.
At this time of the year I also like to collate the views and opinions of yourselves. If possible, please help by spending ten minutes completing the Spring Term Parent Questionnaire and let us know how we're doing. It can be found here:
With school photographs and a few school trips taking place over the next few weeks it does, yet again, feel like a gradual return to normality . Please help the school community continue on this journey by adhering to the coronavirus restrictions in place.
A reminder that next week will feel strange as pupils are only in school for three days due to bank holiday and then polling day on Thursday.
Thank you for the continued support and have a lovely long weekend.
Mr Kemp
Photographs are being taken over two days next week and the week after. Please see below for details on the photos being taken of each class.
Tuesday 4th May - pictures taken for our Reception, Year 3, Year 4 and Sibling Groups (Any year 5 & 6 pupils with younger siblings of those years will need to come in uniform and then change into PE kits at lunchtime)
Monday 10th May - pictures taken for our Years 1, 2, 5 & 6.
A reminder that this year younger sibling that do not attend school are unfortunately not permitted to attend the usual before school slot.
A reminder that Y6 can attend the FREE breakfast club. The club will start at 8.15am and will help prepare our Y6's fully for their transition into high school. All are invited and just have to turn up to breakfast club for 8.15am. We hope to see plenty there!
A reminder that school will be closed to all pupils on Thursday 6th May due to polling. Due to coronavirus restrictions, including the use of bubbles and social distancing, it is not possible to have the children in the building whilst it is being used as a polling station. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
On Thursday, work will be set on Showbie for the pupils to complete that day. Also, for those that usually access them, Mathletics and MyON will be available.
A reminder that our Covid-19 information page is being regularly updated and includes an up to date risk assessment. If you're unsure about the guidelines that are to be followed, the information will be on this page.
Has your child been on Mathletics recently? Mathletics is our online homework that allows pupils to access lessons and resources and recieve immediate feedback on their maths work. I wanted to share with you the following information proving what a positive impact mathletics is having at the school.
REMINDERS from previous Newsletters
Our curriculum section of the website includes a range of information including what your child is learning over the year ( . We've updated the half termly curriculum overviews for each class and they can be found on the links below:
Reception - Do cows drink milk?
Year 1 - Paws, Claws and Whiskers
Year 2 - Magnificent Monarchs
Year 3 - Emperors and Empires
Year 4 - I am Warrior
Year 5 - Sow, Grow and Farm
Year 6 - ID
We've update the information on our website so that it is in line with our new Accelerated Reader initiative. There is information on there about the reading books that are sent home for pupils in years 2-6. Please familiarise yourself with the information as it will give you a deeper understanding about the books your child is brining home and the ZPD levels included on the front of the books. The information can be found here:
Learning Logs for this half term's topics will have been sent out by the end of this week. There are a total of 4 tasks that children can choose to complete before the deadline on Monday 24th May. One of the tasks is linked to this half term's Parkfield characteristic of being confident. When they are brought back in, the children will be able to present their work to the rest of their class. The learning logs for each class and some helpful information can be found here:
If you'd like the opportunity to win £25,000 each week and support the school you can do so by joining the school lottery. There is a winner from our school each week that wins a smaller prize but there is always the chance of winning the national prize of £25,000. More details and how to join can be found here:
Mrs Whalen is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supported by Miss Steele (Deputy DSL). If you have any concerns about the needs or welfare of a pupil, please don't hesitate to contact the school. We all share a responsibility to our pupils safety and wellbeing.
As a school our promise is: We will listen, we will support and we will take action.
Health and Safety
Unfortunately, Parents and Carers are not allowed to drop off and pick up from the school car park at any time.
Children are not allowed on the play equipment before and after school. Please keep them off.