Issue 35 - Friday 28th May 2021

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

We've reached the end of another half term and what fun we have had over the past couple of months. Although Coronavirus restrictions are still in place across the school staff have ensured that Parkfield has felt as 'normal' as possible for all our pupils. This has included: trips taking place for many classes, lots of learning outside the classroom opportunities, theme days, return to assemblies in the hall for limited numbers of classes and the continued delivery of a high quality curriculum.

This week we had a special visitor to the school - Joel Halliwell's Grandaughter. She came into school to talk to the Y3 children about why he was awarded the Victoria Cross back in World War I. The children found the story amazing and enjoyed asking questions about the ex-Parkfielder. For those that don't know the story, it was 103 years ago that Joel Halliwell, escaped from the German trenches, stole a German horse and then rescued 10 of his comrades on his way back to British lines. The full story can be found here and because he demonstrated the qualities of a true Parkfielder all those years ago (Positive, Ambitious, Resilient and Kind) we've renamed our computer area to the Joel Halliwell VC Suite to ensure this famous ex-Parkfielder and what he achieved is remembered for years to come.

Another memorable moment for our Y2 pupils this week included coming into school dressed as kings and queens for the their 'Magnificent Monarch's' topic. They had a fun day learning about Henry VIII, William the Conqueror and Queen Elizabeth I.

Have a lovely half term and let's hope that at least one Manchester team can bring back a European trophy this weekend! We'll see you back in school on Monday 7th June.

Mr Kemp



After half term, we're increasing the capacity of our current booster club and inviting all Y5 pupils into a FREE breakfast club. Similar to the Y6 club, children can come into school at 8.15am where they will complete a range of mathematics and reading activities that will further prepare them for Year 6. Breakfast is included and we hope to see many of our year 5's take advantage of this fabulous opportunity.


Bookings for our popular Early Birds and Busy Bees Club are now being taken for September 2021. Please click the following link to let us know that you want a place.. We will then contact you to confirm that you have a place for September 2021. We hope to accommodate all pupils that book. CLICK HERE TO BOOK FOR SEPTEMBER 2021


We're aware of many of our pupils that play on Roblox - an online platform game. Although Roblox can be a safe environment, there are many online dangers so we've attached a guide further down this newsletter that gives you more information on how to keep your child safe.


This half term's house winner with the most points is Bamford (Yellow). As a result, all members of Bamford house have been awarded a non-uniform day on Friday 11th June.


Thanks to the many parents that were able to attend the online meeting this week. Further information and consent forms will have been sent this week. Please send them back into school as soon as possible.


We will update you on the postponed Parent's Evening for Y5 parents and carers as soon as we have a new date for you.


Unfortunately we're cancelling some of the proposed summer events due to coronavirus restrictions. Due to the school bubble system remaining in place, we're having to reluctantly cancel the Summer Fair and the Y4 overnight camping event. We will make a decision nearer the time as to what Sports Day will look like.


Huge thanks to those that completed and sent in their learning logs this week. The learning logs complement their learning in school and it's great to see so many children have a go on a regular basis. Our Twitter Feed includes lots of examples of the learning logs submitted.


You may aware of continuing concerns regarding rises in cases of covid 19 in the borough and across GM. Currently, infection rates in Rochdale are high in comparison to other local areas.

We all appreciate you support at this time and we are trying to do the best to stop the spread of covid 19.

During the holiday period if you or your child have symptoms please go ensure that you go for a PCR test at one of the local testing sites. Secondary aged pupils are asked to continue to test twice a week throughout half term and essentially before returning to school at the beginning of the new term. Rochdale public health are strongly encouraging the continued use of face masks in communal areas in schools and in line with school guidance where social distancing can’t be maintained.

Parents of primary aged children can access Lateral Flow testing kits from local pharmacies and from the borough’s PCR sites. We would encourage you to pick the kits up and test children before the return to school. This will help us to enable a safer return to school after the half term break.


A reminder that although lockdown restrictions have eased across the country, restrictions within school remain the same and there have been no changes to our risk assessment and the measures we have in place. This means that poorly children will be asked to get a Covid test, pupils will remain in their class bubbles, the cleaning regime within school will continue, a positive case within a class means the bubble is sent home, masks will be worn by staff in communal areas, restricted access to the school office continues and masks MUST BE WORN by all adults in the school playground when dropping off and picking up. We are looking forward to the next stage of lockdown easing where we hope some of these measures can be removed.


A reminder that our Covid-19 information page is being regularly updated and includes an up to date risk assessment. If you're unsure about the guidelines that are to be followed, the information will be on this page.

Newsletter Slides

REMINDERS from previous Newsletters


Throughout the pandemic our pupils have unfortunately missed out on a number of opportunities. Our choir, that usually go to Rochdale Town Hall to take part in the annual Rochdale Music Festival, have this year entered the competition virtually! Click here to see their entries into the competition. We'll let you know how we do when we find out!


We've update the information on our website so that it is in line with our new Accelerated Reader initiative. There is information on there about the reading books that are sent home for pupils in years 2-6. Please familiarise yourself with the information as it will give you a deeper understanding about the books your child is brining home and the ZPD levels included on the front of the books. The information can be found here:


If you'd like the opportunity to win £25,000 each week and support the school you can do so by joining the school lottery. There is a winner from our school each week that wins a smaller prize but there is always the chance of winning the national prize of £25,000. More details and how to join can be found here:


Mrs Whalen is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supported by Miss Steele (Deputy DSL). If you have any concerns about the needs or welfare of a pupil, please don't hesitate to contact the school. We all share a responsibility to our pupils safety and wellbeing.

As a school our promise is: We will listen, we will support and we will take action.

Health and Safety

  • Unfortunately, Parents and Carers are not allowed to drop off and pick up from the school car park at any time.

  • Children are not allowed on the play equipment before and after school. Please keep them off.

210326 Tutor do's and don'ts.pdf

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