Issue 38 - Friday 25th June 2021
Headteacher's Welcome
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you forgive me for the lateness of this week's newsletter. For the later part of this week I was with our Y6 class in Blackpool for their end of year residential and it's taken a little while to recover from a few late nights! Myself and the three other members of staff had a wonderful time with the year 6's. The 31 children that attended the residential were absolutely brilliant throughout the whole three days and behaved and acted in a way that would have made their parents proud. Thanks to each and every Parkfielder for making it such a wonderful and memorable experience for all. Hundreds of photographs from the residential can be found here and a slideshow can also be seen here.
With Y6 on their residential and two classes isolating, Parkfield has felt very different this week. I do hope that next week, when all pupils return, the school will return to business as usual. However, we need your help by continuing to be vigilant with any illness and the possibility of coronavirus.
In line with local public health guidance we will be asking children to have a PCR test if they are poorly and posses any of the main symptoms or wider symptoms of coronavirus. These include: cough, loss of taste/smell, high temperature, headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches and fatigue. I understand that it can be frustrating to wait for results - particularly when a negative result is returned. However, we have had a number of positive results returned following a pupil displaying either no symptoms or one of the wider symptoms.
Thanks for your continued support and let's hope England can produce some magic on Tuesday against Germany!
Mr Kemp
Well done to those pupils in the Reception and Y4 classes that were able to attend the online lessons this past week. We know that learning online is very difficult compared with being in the classroom but we're very proud of how resilient many of you have been under difficult circumstances.
Unfortunately, the planned transition day on the 9th July for Y6 pupils has been cancelled. The local authority and public health team took the decision that it was too risky to allow so many children from different schools to mix with one another at a time when local cases of coronavirus are increasing. As a result, each high school will be putting together their own versions of a 'virtual' transition day to ensure Y6 pupils are as prepared as they can be for September.
I have emailed separately but it was great to share the news this week that pupils in both Y5 and Y6 in September will get the opportunity to attend Robinwood. For those that are unaware, Robinwood is a fantastic three day residential where our pupils take part in a wide range of outdoor and adventurous activities. From rock climbing, caving and trapeze to the giant swing and zip wire - every activity provides our pupils with life-long memories. For those that would like to send their child, please ensure you've paid the deposit on Gateway by this Wednesday 30th June.
Bookings for our popular Early Birds and Busy Bees Club are now being taken for September 2021. Please click the following link to let us know that you want a place.. We will then contact you to confirm that you have a place for September 2021. We hope to accommodate all pupils that book. CLICK HERE TO BOOK FOR SEPTEMBER 2021
At this time of the year we like to give our pupils and parents as much notice as possible about the class teacher they will be having in September. This year there have been a number of changes and we're very lucky at Parkfield because we have a great teaching staff that are able to teach in a range of classes across the school ensuring our pupils get the very best education they deserve. From September 2021 the class teachers will be as follows:
Reception - Mrs Price
Year 1 - Mrs Hartley
Year 2 - Miss McCall
Year 3 - Mrs Gooding
Year 4 - Miss Cummins (soon to be Mrs Taylor)
Year 5 - Mrs Acil
Year 6 - Mr Barnes
REMINDERS from previous Newsletters
We have taken the decision for pupils to continue to wear their PE kits to school from September on their PE day. This will also extend to the new Reception class. We brought this in as a covid measure back in September 2020 but have enjoyed the additional benefits including the additional time pupils get during a PE lesson and fewer items of lost property. Please see the school uniform page of the school website for further information.
Y6 are having an aspirational careers day on Friday 2nd July where they'll be thinking about the future and the kind of education and employment that they'd like to pursue. We'd like part of the day for our Y6's to interview some of our parents, grandparents, governors and ex-pupils about their careers and current employment. Whether you're a teacher, nurse, solicitor, police officer, engineer, mechanic, writer, business owner or rockstar - our Y6's would love to talk to you! If you are interested and are able to give up to 30 minutes of your time on the morning of the 2nd July for a zoom call with our Y6's please click here and complete the form to let us know that you're interested. Thanks in advance.
A reminder that our Covid-19 information page is being regularly updated and includes an up to date risk assessment. If you're unsure about the guidelines that are to be followed, the information will be on this page.
If you'd like the opportunity to win £25,000 each week and support the school you can do so by joining the school lottery. There is a winner from our school each week that wins a smaller prize but there is always the chance of winning the national prize of £25,000. More details and how to join can be found here:
Mrs Whalen is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supported by Miss Steele (Deputy DSL). If you have any concerns about the needs or welfare of a pupil, please don't hesitate to contact the school. We all share a responsibility to our pupils safety and wellbeing.
As a school our promise is: We will listen, we will support and we will take action.
Unfortunately, Parents and Carers are not allowed to drop off and pick up from the school car park at any time.
Children are not allowed on the play equipment before and after school. Please keep them off.