Issue 4 - 24th September 2021
Headteacher's Welcome
Dear Parents and Carers,
Parkfielders celebrated the 40th anniversary of the opening of the current Parkfield building in style today! Thanks so much for your support with the 1980s themed costumes because the children (and staff) looked fantastic today. It will be one of those memorable moments that our children won't forget. Thanks Vision Signs for creating the fabulous posters and to the wonderful parent that donated the 40th birthday balloons.
This week has also seen many of our pupils awarded particular roles that increase and enhance their responsibilities across the school. Well done to the playground pals and sports leaders that had to apply for these important positions. These pupils support, help and play with our younger pupils at break and dinner times.
Congratulations also to our School and Eco Councillors that were voted in democratically by their classmates. They have incredibly important roles to play over the next 12 months where they can make a real difference to life at Parkfield with the decisions and actions they take. I look forward to meeting with both councils.
Last weekend, the majority of Y5 and Y6 went to Robinwood for the school's annual residential. The pupils behaved brilliantly and made the staff really proud. They certainly demonstrated our value of being resilient when taking part in a range of challenging outdoor and adventurous activities.
Huge thank you also to the Parkfield staff that gave up their weekend, left their families and accompanied the children on the trip - it is really appreciated by all. The photographs from the residential, all 2660 of them, can be found by clicking here. Mr Haughton also created a brilliant slideshow of the weekend.
Y2 also had a fabulous experience on Tuesday when they visited the beach at St. Anne's as part of their Geography topic that they'll be learning about later on in the year on Coastlines. Click here for another fabulous animation of the day.
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for your continued support.
Mr Kemp
A reminder, now that we are able to travel abroad, that any holiday during term time will result in a fine being issued as detailed in our attendance policy. All term time holidays are classed as an unauthorised absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. Fines are issued by the local authority when 5 consecutive days (10 sessions) have been missed. Currently, a £60 fine is issued to each parent/carer with parental responsiblity for each child. For example, 2 siblings and both parents going on holiday could result in a fine totalling £240 .
We're holding three open days this year for prospective pupils that may join us in September 2022. The dates available are Thursday 30th September 2-3pm, Tuesday 12th October 9-10am and Thursday 18th November 9-10am. Please contact the school office to book. More details can be found on the poster below.
Although the Early Years outdoor area does look very inviting, please can parents and carers do their best to not let their children play with the equipment outside at the beginning or end of the day. This area (such as the new mud kitchen and water zone) is set up in a particular way for our Reception pupils and we want to ensure everything is in place when they are learning.
A reminder that outdoor PE kits are to be worn on PE days. If your child doesn't have a royal blue hoody they are to wear their school jumper.
Thanks to those that sent messages about their memories at Parkfield. Many of these have been shared with the children or used in our celebrations on the day.
Thank you for ensuring your children are at school when the doors open at 8.45am and before doors close at 8.50am. The number of lates has significantly reduced this year and we want to thank you for your efforts. It means that classes are starting promptly and there is very little disruption to learning.
A reminder that arrivals after 8.50am will have to enter through the main entrance and pupils arriving after 9.00am will be recorded as late in the register.
The KS2 tuck shop is running brilliantly for our KS2 pupils. A reminder that our Parkfielders in Y3, 4, 5 and 6 are able to purchase a healthy snack for 20p each breaktime. As an alternative KS2 children are welcome to bring in their own healthy snack (e.g. cereal bar, cheese, fruit...etc.). - Please avoid crisps and chocolate. In KS1 (Reception, Y1 and Y2) the children will be provided with a snack as per usual.
Rather than searching back through Twitter, we've now added a page on our website with links to all our recent photographs of the memorable moments, such as our theme days and school trips. Click here for access.
REMINDERS from previous Newsletters
From Monday, all Parkfielders will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit on their PE day. For those that don't have a royal blue hoody, a school jumper must be worn. No other hoodies are allowed. Click here for information on uniform and PE kit.
Monday - Year 3/4
Tuesday - Year 5/6
Wednesday - Reception
Thursday - Year 1/2
An updated list of events and holiday dates can be found here: . This is updated regularly and gives upto date information about what's happening at the school. Please note that the school will be closed to pupils for INSET on Friday 22nd October.
Our exciting, new school menu is now available. . Please note that school dinners have increased in price in line with local authority guidelines and will cost £2.40 per day or £12.00 per week.
If you'd like the opportunity to win £25,000 each week and support the school you can do so by joining the school lottery. There is a winner from our school each week that wins a smaller prize but there is always the chance of winning the national prize of £25,000. More details and how to join can be found here:
Mrs Whalen is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) supported by Miss Steele (Deputy DSL). If you have any concerns about the needs or welfare of a pupil, please don't hesitate to contact the school. We all share a responsibility to our pupils safety and wellbeing.
As a school our promise is: We will listen, we will support and we will take action.
If driving, park further away from the school and walk to reduce congestion and the possiblity of any serious accidents.
Unfortunately, Parents and Carers are not allowed to drop off and pick up from the school car park at any time.
Children are not allowed on the play equipment before and after school. Please keep them off.